Fantasy Judo
Events Ergebnisse Info

Thundering Guardians

Hungary Masters Full Results
NAGAYAMA won the Final, scoring +72 overall
GARCIA TORNE lost in Round 2, scoring +3 overall
LOMBARDO lost in Round 2, scoring -3 overall
KOHARA lost the Bronze contest, scoring +37 overall
CLERGET lost in Round 1, scoring -3 overall
WOLF lost in Round 2, scoring +9 overall
CSERKASZOV lost in Round 1, scoring 0 overall
SCUTTO won the Bronze contest, scoring +25 overall
GIUFFRIDA lost in Round 2, scoring +12 overall
DEGUCHI lost in Round 2, scoring 0 overall
PRIMO lost in Round 2, scoring +10 overall
CZERLAU lost in Round 1, scoring 0 overall
BELLANDI lost in Round 2, scoring 0 overall
DAMBADARJAA lost in Round 2, scoring +9 overall
Event Rank
HUN Hungary Masters 56th of 59
QAT World Judo Championships - Doha 88th of 98
TUR Antalya Grand Slam 44th of 59
GEO Tbilisi Grand Slam 50th of 59
LAT Riga European Cup 19th of 47
ITA Rome European Open 41st of 56
UZB Tashkent Grand Slam 61st of 62
POL Warsaw European Open 39th of 54
ISR Tel Aviv Grand Slam 68th of 70
BUL Sofia European Open 57th of 62
FRA Paris Grand Slam 12th of 67